When you sit down to study do you have a favorite playlist or genre? Does listening to music help you study or does it just lead to more distractions?
When you sit down to study do you have a favorite playlist or genre? Does listening to music help you study or does it just lead to more distractions?
Thirty years ago, Frank N. Demster wrote an article entitled “A Case Study in the Failure to Apply the Results of Psychological Research” (1). His case study was the spacing effect - the finding that studying information presented spaced out over time…
We recently asked subscribers of our Facebook page what they would like to see more of. We were delighted to receive so many responses, and one theme that emerged was that readers would like to see subject-specific tips for how to integrate…
Earlier this month one of the co-creators of Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition asked Twitter for some resources on how to improve communication for better information delivery. As a cognitive psychologist with a background in memory and linguistics who plays Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) I’ve thought about this question A LOT.
With the new school year just beginning, you may already be feeling overwhelmed and under-organized, so we thought that you might appreciate a list of a few applications that can be used on your phone or desktop to help you stay organized…
Over the last couple of months, a few of our readers have requested that we write more about spelling instruction. While we do have a couple of digests about teaching spelling (Digest #37, Digest #38) and a guest blog by Holly Shapiro, our reading expert, …