My post today is a personal reflection on effective feedback use. Feedback is a crucial aspect of the learning process. It helps us correct errors and improve performance in the future. However, effective feedback remains a problem in education.
My post today is a personal reflection on effective feedback use. Feedback is a crucial aspect of the learning process. It helps us correct errors and improve performance in the future. However, effective feedback remains a problem in education.
I divide my work into seasons and transitions. The first season (spring) I taught in a K-12 environment for 25 years. Near the transition to the second season (summer), I knew I had one thing left to do. I wanted to create a level playing field for children, who enter school without a fair and equal chance of succeeding.
We're headed back into school again, and that means prep prep prep! We've put together digests on this topic before, but you can never have too many resources to help you prep for the start of a school year. In this digest, we have resources to help you plan …
One way to quickly spot educational fads is when the seller argues that something will “always work” and that’s it’s “super easy” to implement. As educators know all too well, human minds are complex and there is no approach that will “always work”.
Thanks for joining me on my latest myth busting expedition! My first two expeditions lead me to debunking learning style theories and psychological types, specifically the MBTI.
The start of the fall term is just around the corner for many students. Hopefully students coming to this blog have already read up on how to study using effective study habits. This week's digest features a few resources to help you …