We owe a HUGE THANK YOU to our loyal supporters!

Support from Organizations:

These organizations have donated or awarded grants led by a team member to do Learning Scientists work, including new research projects!

Our Sponsors - Sept 2018.png

Thanks to the Association for Psychological Science for funding our posters.

Thanks to IDEA for funding poster translations and videos.

Thanks to the Overdeck Family Foundation for funding our study strategy intervention research.

Thanks to the Wellcome Trust for funding the first year of our Podcast.

Thanks to the Chartered College of Teaching for currently funding our Podcast.

Elite Learning Scientists Supporters:

These awesome people have become regular patrons and are supporting our work at the "elite" level or higher!

  • Marcel D’Eon

  • Terri Edwards

  • Joaquin Fernandez-Castro

  • Frank Franz

  • David Handel

  • Dave Helling

  • James Lang

  • Joeg Marienhagen

  • Kevin Mattingly

  • Henrik Skov Midtiby

  • Andrea Rena

To become a Patron, click the "Donate on Patreon" button:

You can also make a direct, one-time donation on PayPal. Just send the money to emailLearnSci@gmail.com. All donations are tracked and help us keep these resources freely available. Note, we are not a non-profit organization (though we do not make a profit!). This means that your donation is not tax-deductible, but is still very helpful!