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In college, one of my roommates really liked the cookbook Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food. The cookbook is full of dessert recipes with purred vegetables in it, and my roommate joked that she was going to bake brownies with …
Escape rooms have become increasingly popular over the last decade.... The interactive format and team based problem solving has made escape rooms popular with teachers as well.
One of the most effective learning strategies is spaced practice – the distribution of study time across multiple smaller study sessions. This learning strategy dates back to Hermann Ebbinghaus in 1885 who conducted the first systematic investigations of spaced practice with himself as a participant…
Retrieval practice produces benefits to learning in many different situations, but trying to get students to transfer their knowledge to a new situation is tricky business. There is some evidence that retrieval practice can be used to get students to think more deeply…
Did you know we had a Learning Scientists Q&A group on Facebook? Members of this group are teachers, parents, students, and others interested in education from all over the world.
This post continues from a post I did last week discussing whether there is a difference between memory and learning and a difference in learning in the Arts and Sciences.