How Do You Use Our Book “Ace That Test: A Student’s Guide to Learning Better”?

Last year, we published our book “Ace That Test: A Student’s Guide To Learning Better”. We recorded a podcast episode introducing the book, but I thought it would be useful to follow this up with a brief blog post and to share with you a brief survey we are currently conducting to find out how you are using our book...

Guest Post: Retrieval Practice: How to Encourage Long-Term Retention

You are at the end of the school year and your students just took the big, elusive, terrifying standardized test. As a teacher, you know you did all you could to prepare them, and you saw them experience small successes along the way. Students were doing great on the chapter tests, so they must have learned the material! Then, you get the results back from the standardized test, and it is not what you were expecting. You are left shocked and wondering what went wrong. 

About our "Office Hours" Videos AND a Paper about How Students Cope with Anxiety from Active Learning Practices

Last month, I put out an “Office Hours Video” on Patreon about a paper investigating how undergraduates cope with anxiety in intro biology courses. What is an “Office Hours Video”, you ask? They are special “thank yous” for our Patreon supporters. Our blog, podcast, and downloadable materials …