A few weeks ago, Megan wrote about the benefits of spaced retrieval practice on long-term learning and transfer of course material. The researchers have again shown the benefits of spaced retrieval practice, but this set up was a little different
A few weeks ago, Megan wrote about the benefits of spaced retrieval practice on long-term learning and transfer of course material. The researchers have again shown the benefits of spaced retrieval practice, but this set up was a little different
As assessment specialists in a large public school district, our jobs involve working with teachers to develop useful classroom assessments and use assessment data to help students learn. Along the way, we’ve found two bodies of literature to be useful during conversations with teachers: cognitive psychology literature related to memory models, and assessment literature related to effective feedback…
Hi, I’m David Handel, MD. I‘m the CEO and co-founder of iDoRecall.com. I’ve had the honor of writing previous guest posts on this blog in the past (see this post, for example). In today’s guest post, I’ll be sharing more about iDoRecall, highlighting exciting new free resources that are available …
For over a century cognitive psychologists have been studying spaced practice and retrieval practice, resulting in a great deal of evidence that these two strategies work very well to improve student learning. However, no single experiment or paper is going to be able to answer, in full, the question “how does …
As we prepare for the start of another academic school year, now is an excellent time to think about how to include inclusive teaching practices in your course. There is no one right way to use inclusive teaching practices in your course. Instead, inclusive teaching involves a deeper understanding of ...
…one policy that we know has a substantial benefit for education is school lunch and breakfast programs. Decades of research have demonstrated that children do better in school when they aren’t hungry.