GUEST POST: Taughtology: The incorrect science of teaching wrongly

As a teacher who has taught English for twenty-five years, I have some thoughts. In my experience, words spelt correctly in spelling tests are often incorrectly spelt in a piece of writing – even in the same week. … If you think about the way that spelling is often tested in primary schools (after some explicit instruction, e.g., in suffix endings (tautology?)) and with spelling lists learned for weekly tests, the method commonly used is a classic example of blocked practice

Understanding Research Papers: A Guide For Teachers

Research papers are written for an audience of other academics who are experts in the field and have the background knowledge. However, teachers may benefit from reading research papers in order to get a first-hand account of why and how research is conducted and what can be concluded from research findings. In this post, I will give an overview of the overall structure of research papers and go into detail what teachers may want to focus on within each section of a research paper…