GUEST POST: From Knowledge To Skill: Do Learning Strategies Improve Critical Thinking?

“How do I ace an exam?”… “How can I make learning more meaningful for my students?”… “How do I help my child to study?” are just a few of the many questions asked by students, teachers, and parents. And although these questions are articulated in slightly different ways, they ultimately are trying to understand the same underlying mechanism; that is, how do humans learn? … Fortunately for us, our understanding of learning has advanced significantly because of research in cognitive psychology.

How to Choose the Right Way to Study for You: Advice for Students

There are a plethora of apps, games, and study tips for students ranging from well meaning advice from other students to flashy games from tech companies. How can you tell what is and is not worth your time? There are no hard and fast rules, but I do have some advice for students who want to take control of their learning and use the right study tools for them.

See you in 2020!

We hope you're enjoying this holiday season, whether you're celebrating a holiday, the end of the year, or just time away from the typical grind. We're taking a break to spend some time with family and friends. Our next blog post will be on January 9th!