It’s the time of year when the days are getting shorter and, in the case of some of my students, so are attention spans…
It’s the time of year when the days are getting shorter and, in the case of some of my students, so are attention spans…
When one of our very first guest bloggers reached out to us recently asking about resources for students under severe stress, we realized that we hadn’t broached this issue on our blog yet. This hugely important issues will take more than a quick digest to explore,
Most students in my lectures take notes. Maybe they have a system that they use or they just start each lecture with a blank page. I started thinking if there is anything that we – lecturers and teachers – could do to support student note-taking in any way.
Two years ago, around this time of year, we published a digest on teaching kids about safety. Whether you and your family like to take part in Halloween festivities or like to steer clear of this holiday, teaching kids about safety can benefit them. In this digest, we revisit …
Testing sometimes gets a bad reputation. This is perhaps unsurprising in the world of standardized testing, but it has led to some misconceptions…
This past week Donna Strickland won the Nobel Prize in Physics for her work on chirp pulse amplification. Dr. Strickland’s win was particularly notable because it has been 55 years since a woman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.