Which type of feedback do your students prefer to receive: past-oriented feedback about how they performed, or future-oriented feedback about how they could improve?
Which type of feedback do your students prefer to receive: past-oriented feedback about how they performed, or future-oriented feedback about how they could improve?
In today’s digest, we want to give an overview of ways that teachers are implementing learning strategies in their classroom. Teachers continue developing creative ways to use the different learning strategies in their instruction and we thought for our 100th weekly digest it would be nice to highlight five teacher implementations.
There are a lot of different methods of conducting research, and each comes with its own set of strengths and weaknesses. While most researchers are exposed to a variety of methodologies throughout graduate training, we tend to become engrossed with ...
In June, we posted a digest that we (somewhat regretfully) titled The Case Against Inquiry-Based Learning. We have received multiple messages since that time from individuals who felt that we were too harsh on inquiry learning.
One aspect that seems important when it comes to self-regulated learning is the ability to plan one’s own learning and, for instance, to decide what material to study next, how long to study the material for, and how to study the material. Being allowed to be in charge of such planning promises to have positive effects on motivation...
Last Summer, I visited a friend whose son was about to take his exams. We found ourselves in one of those familiar conversations you get into as a teacher-friend. “So, tell Tricia what you are doing to revise for your exams.”