All in Learning Scientists Posts
Even among the top effective, evidence-based study strategies that we write about, spaced practice is one of the best. Spaced practice is all about when you engage in practice. It is better to spread practice out over time, rather than massing (cramming). This is true whether you are reviewing …
We have discussed the learning styles myth in different blog posts and you can find all of our posts in this topic here. Briefly, the idea of learning styles is that if you assess the learning styles in students and then match instruction accordingly…
Interleaving is the idea that, while learning, we will learn more if we jumble up our review of similar materials, rather than reviewing one concept at a time in a blocked format. One thing that we’ve heard from educators is that they worry interleaving can be too challenging for students and that students need some blocking first.
No strategy works all the time. Not even retrieval practice. Today I want to share a new Open Access article (so you can go read it for yourself if you’d like!) that *spoiler alert! found a situation in which restudying was actually better for retention than retrieval.
Recently a new pre-testing study was published, looking at the delayed effects of pre-testing in an authentic classroom. In this study, undergraduate students who were enrolled in a large section of a research methods course were given pretests before three lectures...
…Today’s blog post revisits a paper that Althea and I covered a few years ago in a podcast episode (Episode 49 Learning Styles and Dual Coding). It is a repeat, and specifically, we tend to repeat ourselves a lot when it comes to learning styles and dual coding. However, repetition, especially …