All in Learning Scientists Posts
As researchers attempting to bridge psychological science and education, we come across several challenges. Each of us has expertise in the area of retrieval practice, where many of the classic studies take place in the laboratory with simple materials.
As educators, docents face an interesting set of challenges when teaching visitors about their collections. Namely that they have a limited amount of time with visitors. Not only do they have a short amount of time with visitors, that time is typically during a single visit.(…) I will briefly summarize how each of these are relevant in a museum setting and highlight some of the conversations we had around each of these strategies.
Dual coding and learning styles sound similar, but are not quite the same thing. While dual coding has scientific evidence backing its use, learning styles has been repeatedly tested and shown not to improve learning.
As I’ve mentioned in a previous post (see here), I have been working …
Working memory is an important concept that we’ve referred to in passing in several other Learning Scientist posts. This relatively simple concept influences how we think about learning and memory, so I wanted to give a brief overview of what working memory is, some theories about working memory, and why it’s important.
Last year, I founded the TILE (Teaching Innovation and Learning Enhancement) network at the University of Dundee. It’s a network that brings people from different disciplines and sectors together to discuss issues in education and ways to overcome them using research findings. In October 2018, Dr Peter Verkoeijen came all the way from the Netherlands to give a talk on applied research in the classrooms…
What’s it like to help people implement the science of learning? It’s hard but powerful. Plus, there are some clear lessons learned like making sure not to try to implement too many new strategies at once.
Over the past few months, I have had the pleasure of working on a Science of Learning grant …