All in Learning Scientists Posts
I have recently founded the new Teaching Innovation and Learning Enhancement (TILE) at the University of Dundee. It’s a network that aims at bringing people from different disciplines and sectors together to discuss issues in education and ways to overcome them using research findings. TILE is currently run as an external speaker series…
Last week I was provided with a unique opportunity to see into the world of administration in higher education. I attended the Higher Learning Commission annual meeting...
At this point, there have been hundreds of studies demonstrating that practicing retrieval of to-be-learned information can help us remember that information later. We’ve covered many such studies on this blog, and regular readers will be very familiar with this idea.
It's that time of year. Spring break is over, and we're approaching the home stretch of the school year. For many students and educators, this is one of the most stressful times of the year. I can certainly feel it myself and with my students, and I know I'm not alone. ...
Two days ago, Yana and I ran our monthly Twitter chat, #LrnSciChat. This time we talked about Note-Taking and I have to say that I was blown away by the responses from the participating people. During the chat many great ideas for classroom implementation were generated...
I teach at a small university in the middle of Kansas, where a lot of my students come to me having never been exposed to thoughts, ideas, or persons different from themselves. While our university has some amount of diversity, most of what I hope to accomplish...