All in Learning Scientists Posts
Those of you who read our blog frequently are not strangers to the six strategies for effective learning. I’m sure you’ve noticed – we talk about these strategies a lot, and also the sky is blue. But for those who aren’t reading our blog every week, here’s a bit of history ...
There is a lot of conflicting information out there about studying. There are a number of websites that recommend that you create a study space that is free of distractions and maximizes your motivation to work. Other websites recommend that you instead study ...
We’ve published several resource digests about syllabi – notably Weekly Digest #41: Preparing a Syllabus and Weekly Digest #64: Preparing a Learning-Focused Syllabus. However, what we haven’t done as much is talk about our own syllabi.
The use of concrete examples is one of the six strategies for effective learning that we discuss throughout this website. Our goal is to present strategies that are evidence-based and we have blogs devoted to the effectiveness of concrete examples (here, ...
In March, we featured a weekly digest describing the many benefits of reading to children. We have seen that both children’s literacy skills and socio-emotional health are boosted when someone reads books to them on a regular basis. Now, a recent study published in May 2017 by Strouse and Ganea (1), has revealed an additional factor...
A couple weeks ago, we provided several resources talking about behaviorism in the classroom. Today, we would like to provide our own overview of behaviorism and how it can be used in the classroom to promote learning. While often used as tools for classroom ...