All in Learning Scientists Posts
In March, we featured a weekly digest describing the many benefits of reading to children. We have seen that both children’s literacy skills and socio-emotional health are boosted when someone reads books to them on a regular basis. Now, a recent study published in May 2017 by Strouse and Ganea (1), has revealed an additional factor...
A couple weeks ago, we provided several resources talking about behaviorism in the classroom. Today, we would like to provide our own overview of behaviorism and how it can be used in the classroom to promote learning. While often used as tools for classroom ...
We were recently in England (June and July 2017) talking with teachers all over the country. One teacher at ResearchED Rugby asked us to write more about effective procedures for using retrieval practice (and other strategies) with younger children.
As a cognitive psychologist, I think it’s important for students to understand how their attention works. But, unlike aspects principles of cognition that are easy to demonstrate, attention can be somewhat elusive. Perception can be demonstrated...
We have been writing a lot about the top two learning strategies that cognitive psychology has brought out: Spacing and retrieval practice. Both learning strategies have accumulated a vast amount of scientific evidence, making us confident to recommend these strategies to teachers and students. However, it is important to keep in mind...
Interleaving can be a confusing topic and is often confused with spaced practice. In laboratory studies, we can disentangle the effects of interleaving and spacing to show that they are both helpful on their own to produce learning (1). However, in classroom ...