When you sit down to study do you have a favorite playlist or genre? Does listening to music help you study or does it just lead to more distractions?
All in For Parents
When you sit down to study do you have a favorite playlist or genre? Does listening to music help you study or does it just lead to more distractions?
Over the last couple of months, a few of our readers have requested that we write more about spelling instruction. While we do have a couple of digests about teaching spelling (Digest #37, Digest #38) and a guest blog by Holly Shapiro, our reading expert, …
When I’m not busy being a professor, I can be found at the barn with my nine year old Thoroughbred horse (Chance). Chance was bred to be a racehorse but he was too slow, so he opted for a career change.
In college, one of my roommates really liked the cookbook Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food. The cookbook is full of dessert recipes with purred vegetables in it, and my roommate joked that she was going to bake brownies with …
With the recent rise in mental health issues in young people (and academics), the manner in which those mental health issues affects cognitive performance becomes a serious consideration for those in education.
Since writing my previous guest post on the negative impact learning style theories have on effective student learning, I have been fixated on the many learning myths and misconceptions that seem endemic in education.