Every student follows their own educational path. Mine has led me to somewhere I never thought I could reach, outside of my comfort zone. I went through public school believing senior year would be the end of my education. ...
All in For Parents
Every student follows their own educational path. Mine has led me to somewhere I never thought I could reach, outside of my comfort zone. I went through public school believing senior year would be the end of my education. ...
Last night, the Boston Globe published our highly controversial opinion on standardized testing. The comments are already pouring in – we’re “supporting our own business” and we “don't give a flying pig about students”. Read the article here. ...
Recently, Yana posted this envelope on our @AceThatTest Twitter account, and the post went viral. We were very excited when David Didau (@LearningSpy) blogged about the envelope in two fantastic posts, "The Learning Styles Myth Debunked on the Back of an Envelope" and ...
The Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT) serves as the only criterion for admittance into one of the eight highly selective public high schools in New York City. Students in their final year of surrounding middle school spend a large proportion ...
Read what "The Psychology Community" has to say about Learning Scientists here.
"[F]or those students who are ready to make a change in how they study, let’s make sure they know the best evidence-based techniques. And LearningScientists.org is a great place for our students to start." ...
One thing that has always bothered me about the advice that students should practice retrieval is the lack of specific instructions regarding how they should go about actually doing it. It’s all well and good for us to tell our students they ought to do something – but ...