All tagged test anxiety

VLOG: Learning in Medical School

In this week’s post, Cindy and I (Althea) talk about our work with medical student learners. We have both worked for medical schools for a little over a year now and we’ve learned some things! We discuss common challenges for learning in medical school, efficient learning strategies, learning in the context of attentional disorders and anxiety, and what it means to prepare future healers.

About our "Office Hours" Videos AND a Paper about How Students Cope with Anxiety from Active Learning Practices

Last month, I put out an “Office Hours Video” on Patreon about a paper investigating how undergraduates cope with anxiety in intro biology courses. What is an “Office Hours Video”, you ask? They are special “thank yous” for our Patreon supporters. Our blog, podcast, and downloadable materials …

The Relationship Between Test Anxiety and Exam Performance

Does test anxiety cause poorer performance on exams? Meta-analyses show that students with higher test anxiety tend to perform worse on exams (1). We also know that anxiety can affect cognitive processes through working memory capacity (2). Therefore, the general consensus is that test anxiety interferes with our working memory, which in turn leads to poorer exam performance… However, a recent study with German medical students found that test anxiety did not predict exam performance when prior knowledge was controlled for, claiming strong evidence against the interference hypothesis (3).