Digest #151: Education Podcasts
Of course we love reading and think that blogs are great. But, we also love podcasts! Podcasts are a great way to digest information on the go. It can also be nice to take a break from screens, step outside and get moving while listening to a podcast. We have our own, The Learning Scientists Podcast, and there are tons of other wonderful education podcasts out there. Here, we feature 5 resources about podcasts that we think teachers might particularly enjoy. There are tons of podcasts to choose from, so some of these are digests. (How meta!)
Image from Brooke Hoyer, Px Here.
1. The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast by Jennifer Gonzalez, @cultofpedagogy
The Cult of Pedagogy is actually how the Learning Scientists got into the podcasting world! Jennifer interviewed us back in 2016 for the episode, 6 Powerful Learning Strategies you MUST Share with Students. Jennifer is a big name in the education podcasting world, and you are sure to find something you enjoy on this one.
2. 10 Minute Teacher Podcast by Vicki Davis, @coolcatteacher
These episodes are short but posted frequently, and so they’re perfect for little breaks in your day! We LOVE the daily themes with alliteration!
Motivational Mondays
EdTech Tool Tuesdays
Wonderful Classroom Wednesdays
Thought Leader Thursdays
Five Idea Fridays.
3. Vrain Waves by Ben Kalb, @mrkalb, and Becky Peters, @BeckyEPeters
Their own succinct description says it best: Bringing giants in education to the earbuds of busy teachers. We have an interview on their podcast from 2018, Episode 023: Understanding How We Learn with The Learning Scientists
4. Here are 12 education podcasts you should know about by Alli Lindenberg, @Allilindy and EdNC
I really like this list because it has a diverse list of podcasts with clear and concise descriptions! It is also recent (January 2021).
5. The 15 Most Popular Podcasts For Teachers by Carli van Heerden and We Edit Podcasts
To be honest with you, we are not entirely sure how this list was determined to be the 15 “most popular”. This list was curated by a company that edits podcasts. However, it has a good variety of education podcasts that many will find interesting!
Image from Pixabay
From time to time, we pick a theme and provide a curated list of links. If you have a theme suggestion, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Occasionally we publish a guest digest, and If you'd like to propose a guest digest click here. Our 5 most recent digests can be found here:
Digest #146: The Psychology of “Zoom Fatigue”
Digest #147: Making Your Material Digitally Accessible