Digest #145: Elaborative Interrogation
Elaborative interrogation is a specific type of elaboration. Elaborative interrogation is when you ask questions about a concept in order to elaborate and further your understanding/build connections about that concept. In this digest we have gathered some resources to help you get the most out of elaborative interrogation.
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What is the Elaborative Interrogation Strategy? by Professional Learning Board
This quick post gives a quick overview of what elaborative interrogation is, how it works, and a few ways teachers can use it in the classroom
Elaboration and Elaborative Interrogation by Dr. Chris Nickson for Life in the Fastlane
Another quick overview of elaboration/elaborative interrogation with some discussion of the advantages and limitations of this strategy.
Elaborative Interrogation from Kingsbridge Community College
For a closer look at some of the research on elaborative interrogation, check out this resource from Kingsbridge Community College.
Elaboration: A strategy in the Learning to Learn Series from UA Learning Initiative at University of Arizona
This list of resources from the University Arizona has some helpful videos to explain elaborative interrogation.
Learning Scientists Podcast: Episodes 6 and 7 by the Learning Scientists
Episode 6 of our podcast explains elaborative interrogation and Episode 7 is a bite-sized research episode reviews research by Woloshyn & Stockley (1995) demonstrating how elaborative interrogation worked with 6th and 7th grade students (1).
(1) Woloshyn, V. E., & Stockley, D. B. (1995). Helping students acquire belief-inconsistent and belief-consistent science facts: Comparisons between individual and dyad study using elaborative interrogation self-selected study and repetitious-reading. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 9, 75-89.