Weekly Digest #98: Science of Learning Initiatives
(cover image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay)
Our regular readers will know that we are passionate about the science of learning, and over the past couple of years our blog and social media presence have become a bit of a hub for teachers and other educators interested in the science of learning. However, we are just a small dot in the big network of researchers and practitioners working towards the goal of understanding learning from a scientific perspective, and implementing that understanding in educational practice. We try to feature resources and efforts from other individual researchers and organizations frequently on our blog (see also our Other Resources page). In this digest, we are highlighting 5 of the multitude of science of learning projects that are out there. If you are reading this and know of others, please feel free to leave a comment!
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This project is funded by the Wellcome Trust, who have also been funding our Podcast and Facebook Lives. In this interactive forum, anyone can "ask neuroscientists and psychologists about cutting-edge research, with new topics every fortnight".
2) The Science of Learning: an online course
In another project funded by the Wellcome Trust, from April 2018 teachers will be able to take a free online course about the science of learning! Here's the course description:
What is learning? How does it work? On this course you try and answer these questions, exploring how you can use the science of learning to inform your teaching and support your students’ learning.
Drawing upon educational neuroscience and psychology (and combating neuroscience myths), you will learn how to interpret research to be better informed about how your students learn. Throughout the course, you will reflect on your own practice as a teacher, learning how to justify and improve your approach.
3) TILE: Teaching Innovation & Learning Enhancement
Started by our collaborator Dr. Carolina Kuepper-Tetzel, this new network at the University of Dundee aims to "start a conversation between different groups interested in improving teaching and sharing best practice in education". In the first instance, the initiative is bringing in a diverse set of speakers (scientists, teachers, and others interested in education), with more projects to come soon.
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4) The Johns Hopkins Science of Learning Institute
This organization has just celebrated its 5th year with a book you can download here. The institute conducts researchers, trains future leaders, and connects science to practice. Example projects include investigating to what extent the learning process is rational, how technology can help people acquire technical skills, and the neuroscience of distraction.
5) Science of Learning and Art of Communication
This is a brand new initiative that was recently made possible by a National Science Foundation grant. This 5-year project will combine science of learning research with science communication, training graduate students to "clearly and effectively share ideas without assuming prior knowledge or relying on technical jargon". The scientists who put together the proposal have made it publicly available to read on their page, which gives a fascinating insight into the amount of work that goes into a research proposal.
Every Sunday, we pick a theme and provide a curated list of links. If you have a theme suggestion, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Occasionally we publish a guest digest, and If you'd like to propose a guest digest click here. Our 5 most recent digests can be found here:
Weekly Digest #93: Exercise and Learning 2.0
Weekly Digest #94: Resources for Language Learners
Weekly Digest #95: Megacognition
Weekly Digest #96: Why Teachers Blog
Weekly Digest #97: Benefits and Pitfalls of Mindfulness Interventions in Schools