Weekly Digest #96: Why Teachers Blog
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We love teacher blogs. They have become an amazing way to take a peek into a diverse set of classrooms, and for us sharing blogs has been a way to open up communication among many different types of educators, including teachers and researchers. If you're reading this, you probably don't need to be convinced of the benefit of blogs. Still, for this digest, we pulled together 5 resources about why teachers blog, and why many think teachers should blog. Perhaps, if you're a blog reader but not yet a writer, these resources will push you over the edge. For those who have been writing blogs for a while now, you can use these when explaining to colleagues or administrators why you're plugged into the blog world!!
1) Why Great Teachers Blog on Milken Education Awards Connections, @Milken
In this piece, 6 education bloggers answer a series of interview questions about why they blog and the benefits they feel it brings them.
2) 365 Days As A Blogger by Blake Harvard, @effortfuleduktr
About a year ago, Blake says he caught "the bug." In this piece, he talks about how he got started blogging, and what it has been like for him.
3) The Write Way to Grow: Why Teachers Should Blog by Christopher Bronke, @MrBronke
Image from linked Source
4) Ten Reasons Every Educator Should Start Blogging by Kathleen Morris, @kathleen_morris on The Edublogger
This piece covers the benefits of blogging for educators as well as the benefits of bringing blogging into the classroom.
Image from linked source
5) 9 Reasons Why Teachers Should Blog by Tsisana Palmer, @onlinecoursesTP, on Edutopia
This piece has a number of great benefits from sharing and publishing for others to practicing writing and reflecting. The best part? Each reason is concise!!
Every Sunday, we pick a theme and provide a curated list of links. If you have a theme suggestion, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Occasionally we publish a guest digest, and If you'd like to propose a guest digest click here. Our 5 most recent digests can be found here:
Weekly Digest #91: Making Teaching Changes
Weekly Digest #92: Returning to School and Work after Break
Weekly Digest #93: Exercise and Learning 2.0