Weekly Digest #87: Encouraging Moral and Ethical Behavior
As Yana mentioned in her post, we at the Learning Scientists are giving thanks, and so are many others. To stick with this theme, in this week's digest, we present 5 resources about teaching and modeling moral and ethical behavior.
1) How to Approach moral Issues in the Classroom by Fran Smith, published by Edutopia
This piece focuses on how to talk about moral issues, even when we're afraid we might touch a sensitive nerve.
2) Teaching Strategies: The Importance of Morality by Jordan Catapano, @BuffEnglish, published by TeachHub.com
Teachers are held responsible for teaching content based on academic standards. But who is responsible for teaching morality? This resource discusses the link between morality and academics. They also quote Rick Weissbourd, the author of the next resource in this digest!
Image from Pixabay
3) Why Teaching Values Isn't Enough by Richard Weissbourd, published by Psychology Today
This piece is all about helping children develop a moral identity, written by a family and child psychologist from Harvard School of Education and Kennedy School of Government. This resource is great for teachers and parents!
4) Creating a Culture of Integrity in the Classroom by Marilyn Price-Mitchell, @DrPriceMitchell, published by Edutopia
This piece, written by a developmental psychologist, starts out with a quote from Warren Buffet about what makes great employees:
In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first one, the other two will kill you.
How do children learn integrity? This article digs into some ideas!
5) Encouraging students' ethical behavior by Vincent Prohaska, published by the American Psychological Association
This piece focuses on issues related to academic dishonesty and an effort by instructors to encourage ethical behavior in students. In the past, we have written about teaching about plagiarism. If you liked this resource, check out this digest and this blog.
Every Sunday, we pick a theme and provide a curated list of links. If you have a theme suggestion, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Occasionally we publish a guest digest, and If you'd like to propose a guest digest click here. Our 5 most recent digests can be found here:
Weekly Digest #82: How to Successfully Bust Myths
Weekly Digest #83: Memory and Emotion
Weekly Digest #84: Deliberate Practice