Thank you to our translators:
Brazilian Portuguese: Leonardo Barichello
Czech: Veronika Shelley & Katerina Machulková (
Dutch: Pedro De Bruyckere, @thebandb (Arteveldehogeschool, Gent). Overview poster translated by Dr. Bart Kieviet (The Hague University of Applied Sciences (Delft))
Finnish: Heikki Kontturi & Viivi Seppänen (Oulun yliopisto)
French: Mathieu Hainselin, @MHainselin (
German: Britta Oliver & Dr. Carolina E. Kuepper-Tetzel, @pimpmymemory (The University of Dundee)
Korean: Seong-Hun Kim (Soongsil University)
Polish: Dorota Józefowicz
Portuguese: Pedro Marques (Universidade de Lisboa)
Spanish: Toni Soto, @ToniSoto_Vigo
Turkish: Atakan Ata
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