Thank You to Our 2021 Community!
Today is (American) Thanksgiving so I wanted to take the opportunity to thank our community! 2021 has been challenging and we are so grateful for the continued support, encouragement, and contributions of our community.
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Thank you to our Patreon sponsors! Your support keeps our email subscription service and podcast production going. The Learning Scientists is an entirely volunteer effort and we appreciate the help in getting our message out to the people and communities we hope to serve.
Thank you to our guest bloggers and podcast interviewees! We’ve learned so much from your different perspectives and experiences and we’re proud to be able to share that with our readers. As Learning Scientists we, of course, love to talk about learning, but we also love getting to learn ourselves! (Have something interesting to share about learning? See here for our guidelines and form for guest blogs)
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Thank you to our workshop and talk sponsors and attendees! Thank you for inviting us into your space and giving us the opportunity to share evidence-based practices with others. We appreciate your invitation, generosity as hosts, and the excellent conversations and questions from attendees.
Thank YOU, our readers! Your interest in, and passion for, learning is what keeps this community going and why the Learning Scientists exists. Despite the many challenges that life throws at us, we are truly grateful for your curiosity, kind words, and commitment to learning.
Image from Pixabay