THANK YOU to our 2020 Community!
Image from Pixabay
Happy (American) Thanksgiving!
This is Cindy writing, and as an American I’m devoting this post to you and how thankful we are to have you as an engaged member of our community.
This has been a very unusual, difficult year for so many of us (Learning Scientists included). This year has included so much stress, so much loss, so much heartache. Today we want to take a moment to appreciate the good that has come from this year and express our gratitude for you and the good work that you are doing.
So, without further ado…
Thank you to our Patreon sponsors! Without your generous support, we would be unable to maintain our email subscription service or produce our podcast. Ours is a labor of love and we so appreciate your help in getting our messages out to the people we hope to serve: educators and students.
Thank you to our guest bloggers and podcast interviewees! Your contributions help us keep the blog and podcast rolling and provide fresh and interesting perspectives for our readers and listeners. We appreciate the way you expand our knowledge through your insights and experiences! (If you are interested in contributing a guest blog, you can do so here.)
Thank you to our workshop and talk sponsors and attendees! It truly is a pleasure to have the opportunity to come into your space and share evidence-based practices directly with others. In a world where talks and workshops are virtual, we have flexibly changed our strategies and engaged in more professional development opportunities than we have had the opportunity to in the past. We appreciate your invitations, generosity as hosts, and the excellent conversations and questions we receive from attendees.
Thank you to YOU, our readers. Thank you for continuing to take an interest in the improvement of education. Thank you for not settling for the status quo, but working to make this world a better place. Your efforts are the reason the Learning Scientists exists and despite a year full of so many challenges, you are still here, still engaged, still pushing your own learning, your own instruction, even the education system forward. We appreciate you.
Image from Pixabay