Weekly Digest #86: How To Reduce Exam Stress
That time of the year is approaching. No, we don’t mean Holiday/Christmas season, but rather the exam season before we can all relax. Exam time is usually a stressful time for students. Good preparation for exams is one key factor to reduce stress – and our blog offers many articles and material on that. However, sometimes this is not enough and additional advice is needed to reduce the fear of exams and the stress that accompanies it. In today’s weekly digest, we provide a range of resources to deal better with exam stress.
1) How to Stay Positive and Manage Anxiety During Exam Season by Anna Leach, @avleachy
This articles suggests to look for social connectedness when dealing with exam stress. Realizing that you are not the only one that is stressed about exams and talking to your peers can help you cope better with stress. Plus, a bit of stress can be stimulating and can motivate students to keep going.
Image from Pixabay
2) Exam Stress by BBC Advice
This is a quick read. In this post, the symptoms of stress are briefly outlined and eight tips are given on different things students can do to decrease panicking and feeling stressed.
3) Exam Stress by Student Minds: The UK’s student mental health charity
This is an excellent post that outlines five factors (and explains each of them in useful bullet points) to reduce exam stress. The five factors are: Perspective keeping, get organized, good habits, avoid bad habits, and family & friends support. A bonus: Material can be downloaded and printed out as guidelines and reminder.
Image from Pixabay
4) Five Useful Tips on How to Deal with Stress During Exam by Richard Nolan, Students Toolbox, @StudentsToolbox
These are tips for when students are in the middle of writing the exam. Different small things can help to cope with a sudden increase of stress. The post starts with explaining some of the common symptoms of sudden stress increase and goes into explaining how students can try to overcome them.
5) Test Anxiety: How to Take On Your Exams Without Stress by Thomas Frank, College Info Geek, @TomFrankly
In this video, Thomas Frank lays out the common sources of text anxiety and stress before exams and explains what students can do to successfully cope with those sources of exam fear.
Every Sunday, we pick a theme and provide a curated list of links. If you have a theme suggestion, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Occasionally we publish a guest digest, and If you'd like to propose a guest digest click here. Our 5 most recent digests can be found here:
Weekly Digest #81: Classroom Research
Weekly Digest #82: How to Successfully Bust Myths
Weekly Digest #83: Memory and Emotion