All in For Parents

Expert Thinking and AI (Part 2)

The first post in this series gave an overview of Artificial Intelligence - a broad field that seeks to both better understand human cognition through computer models and to improve task-based computer models - and some of the different AI tools that have been developed. These different AI tools have different pros and cons that make them more or less suited to certain tasks. […] In this post I want to explore how generative AI, specifically chatbots, are used and how they affect our thinking and development of expertise.

Expert Thinking and AI (Part 1)

Artificial Intelligence is many things. As a field of study, Artificial Intelligence seeks to both better understand human cognition through computer models and to improve task-based computer models (that is, where the goal is to improve performance on a task and not necessarily to model how a human would perform on that task). Artificial Intelligence is in many ways a sister-discipline to cognitive psychology which also seeks to better under human cognition.

How Do You Use Our Book “Ace That Test: A Student’s Guide to Learning Better”?

Last year, we published our book “Ace That Test: A Student’s Guide To Learning Better”. We recorded a podcast episode introducing the book, but I thought it would be useful to follow this up with a brief blog post and to share with you a brief survey we are currently conducting to find out how you are using our book...

About our "Office Hours" Videos AND a Paper about How Students Cope with Anxiety from Active Learning Practices

Last month, I put out an “Office Hours Video” on Patreon about a paper investigating how undergraduates cope with anxiety in intro biology courses. What is an “Office Hours Video”, you ask? They are special “thank yous” for our Patreon supporters. Our blog, podcast, and downloadable materials …