Expert Thinking and AI (Part 1)

Artificial Intelligence is many things. As a field of study, Artificial Intelligence seeks to both better understand human cognition through computer models and to improve task-based computer models (that is, where the goal is to improve performance on a task and not necessarily to model how a human would perform on that task). Artificial Intelligence is in many ways a sister-discipline to cognitive psychology which also seeks to better under human cognition.

GUEST POST: Finals Prep: Effective Studying Methods

Due to procrastination or jam-packed schedules, last minute cramming is a tool that many students utilize when it comes to exams. Although pulling an all-nighter, cramming an entire course’s worth of knowledge with the support of caffeine, may give students gratified results, this method is not ideal for content that will be needed again in the future, nor is it helpful for cognitive performance during the exam.