Weekly Digest #113: Achieving Work-Life Balance In Teachers
One month ago, we posted a weekly digest on Burnout in the education sector. Today, we would like to present resources on work-life balance in education, particularly for teachers. Some tips and strategies found here may help to avoid developing burnout in the first place and increase wellbeing for teachers in general. We hope you find this helpful, but feel free to add additional resources and strategies that worked for you in the comments below.
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1) The Work-Life Balance Basics: 10 Stress-Busting Tips For Teachers by Chris Hunt via The Guardian, @guardian
The author provides a range of tips for creating a healthier work environment at school. You will find a mix of cognitive strategies and concrete, hands-on techniques in here. In another article in the same outlet (The Guardian), more tips were offered to increase the balance between work and life for teachers.
2) Teachers On Teaching & How To Manage Your Work-Life Balance by World Class Teacher, @WCTeachers
This article provides concrete tips with inspirational statements and anecdotes that offer good ideas on how to make work-life balance work. Teachers will probably find themselves in the situations described.
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3) Achieving Work-Life Balance As A Teacher by Christine Weis via TeacherVision, @TeacherVision
This is a quick read that presents four tips that can help establish a healthier divide between work and private life.
4) Teacher Work-Life Balance – 5 Tips For How To Have A Life by Mark R. via The Educator
This resource lists 5 tips with some overlap with the previous resources, but one additional point raised here is the importance to plan for fun activities that you look forward to – as a way to rewarding yourself.
Image from Pixabay
5) 6 Scientifically Proven Work-Life Balance Tips For Teachers by Sam Collins , @samschoolstuff
A quick list of do’s and don’ts when your goal is to achieve a balance between work and life. Interestingly, the author advises against keeping lists and rather to schedule tasks right away. She also has suggestions on how to deal with social media.
Every Sunday, we pick a theme and provide a curated list of links. If you have a theme suggestion, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Occasionally we publish a guest digest, and If you'd like to propose a guest digest click here. Our 5 most recent digests can be found here:
Weekly Digest #108: What Can We Learn From High-Performing Education Systems?
Weekly Digest #110: Creativity in Unlikely Places