Weekly Digest #136: Optimizing Lecture Capture
Today’s weekly digest is motivated by a paper on lecture capture that I (Carolina) am currently co-writing (1). I thought it would be a good idea to put together a digest summarizing the evidence behind the benefits or pitfalls of recording university lectures. While students are eager to get their hands on lecture recordings, lecturers are usually more hesitant to provide such recordings – fearing that attendance rates will drop substantially. However, it does look like that the future in Higher Education will move towards lecture recordings as a standard practice and it is therefore important to understand ways to optimize their use. Essentially, it will boil down to informing students and lecturers how to make the best use of lecture recordings (1).
Image from Pixabay
1) Capturing The Lecture by Emily Nordmann, @emilynordmann
In this post some of the main fears that come with lecture capture are described and solutions are proposed. The focus here is on creating good policies that facilitate the implementation of effective use of lecture capture.
2) The Complete Guide To Lecture Capture by Justin Simon via TechSmith, @TechSmith
In this guide the whys and hows of lecture capture are described. It also contains information of of software to use and tips on making effective recordings.
3) Lecture Capture: What Can We Learn From The Research? by Gabi Witthaus, @twitthaus
This article gives a research overview of the effects of lecture capture on student learning and student perception. The author provides a wonderful account of the literature, which holds important practical implications.
Image from Pixabay
4) Lecture Recording: What Does Research Say About Its Effect On Attendance? by Karoline Nanfeldt, @knanfeldt
This is a post by a former 4th Year student at University of Edinburgh. She provides a brief summary of the effects of lecture capture on lecture attendance. This account is particularly interesting because it captures the student voice.
5) Lecture Attendance, Lecture Recordings, And Student Performance: A Complex, But Noteworthy Relationship by Carolina Kuepper-Tetzel, @pimpmymemory
This blog post summarizes a study that looked into the complicated relationship between lecture recordings, attendance, student characteristics, and student performance. It provides a good idea of the many factors that play a role in investigating the benefits of lecture capture.
(1) Nordmann E., Kuepper-Tetzel, C. E., Robson, L., Phillipson, S., Lipan, G. I., & McGeorge, P. (2018, December 11). Lecture capture: Practical recommendations for students and lecturers. Retrieved from psyarxiv.com/sd7u4.
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Weekly Digest #131: Increasing Grading/Marking Efficiency
Weekly Digest #132: Dual Coding, Visual Note Taking, and Sketchnoting
Weekly Digest #133: Technology for Math Learning