The Learning Scientists

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Episode 43 - Evidence-based Strategies and the Whole Learning Process

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Episode 43 - Evidence-based Strategies and the Whole Learning Process Learning Scientists

This episode was funded by listeners like you. In today's episode, we feature one of our patrons, Peter Murphy, the CEO and founder of Pocket Prep. Pocket Prep is a mobile learning platform that offers efficient and affordable study solutions for standardized tests and professional certifications. Check out their website,, or go to the app store. They probably have an app for whatever certification you’re studying for.

We also want to say thank you to all of our patrons. We would not be able to produce this podcast or maintain the free resources on the website without you. If you aren’t a supporter, and are able, please consider donating. Even $1 per month can make a difference, and if you donate at least $5 per month you’ll gain access to exclusive content. Visit our Patreon page at

Show Notes:

In today’s episode, Megan and Althea chat about a question submitted by a listener Lesley. (Thanks Lesley!!!) She wrote to us and asked: “By focusing so heavily on evidence-based strategies, do we risk neglecting important aspects of the whole learning process for which evidence is harder to gather?” She goes on to say that she’s a “maths teacher, and the beneficial effects on learning of differently designed tasks is MUCH harder to gather evidence for than, say, spaced practice, but can have big effects on student concept development and motivation.”

Those of us at Learning Scientists agree, Lesley’s not wrong! We talk about why we focus on evidence-based strategies and how we want the research to move forward.

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