The Learning Scientists

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VLOG: Learning in Medical School

Cover image by Sebastián García from Pixabay

In this week’s post, Cindy and I (Althea) talk about our work with medical student learners. We have both worked for medical schools for a little over a year now and we’ve learned some things! We discuss common challenges for learning in medical school, efficient learning strategies, learning in the context of attentional disorders and anxiety, and what it means to prepare future healers. This vlog is for anyone in medical school, interested in medical school, or just curious about what learning is like in medical school!

For some additional resources about learning in medical school and some of the topics covered we recommend checking out the following Learning Scientists blog and podcast posts:

Retrieval Practice in Undergraduate Medical Education

The Relationship Between Test Anxiety and Exam Performance

Notetaking Formats

Episode 18 - Effective Studying in Medical School with Alyssa Smith

Episode 19 - Bite-Size Research on Benefits of Retrieval with Medical Residents