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Digest #156: Learning (More) About Neurodiversity

By Megan Sumeracki

I have been learning a lot about neurodiversity and the way we think about divergence vs. disorders. I have appreciated learning about these areas so much, and have appreciated the opportunities to hear experts and those who have experience with neurodiversity (many different types of experiences!) discuss these issues. For example, our most recent podcast (Episode 59 - Neurodiversity in Education) is about just this topic! We also put together a digest (Digest #153) about this topic a few months ago. However, I feel that this is a topic that has long been ignored, and many of us have a lot to learn in this area. So, for today’s digest, I put together some more resources that I have explored around this topic.

1) What Is: Neurodiversity, Neurodivergent, Neurotypical by Disabled World, @DisabledWorld

This resource helped me check to make sure I am using some of the basic terms correctly and helped me integrate concepts into my existing schemas. I also appreciated that they included some “opposing” opinions (I read the second one listed under opinions in opposition, written by someone whose life straddles the extremes of autism).

2) Neurodiversity: what is it and how can we apply it? a talk by Sue Fletcher-Watson, @SueReviews

For those who prefer to watch and/or listen, here is a video! (Note, I’m catering to preferences, not styles here.) Dr. Fletcher-Watson is a developmental psychologist. In the digest about neurodiversity in education, there was a brief video by Dr. Fletcher-Watson. This one is longer, for those who want a deeper dive. I appreciated this talk, and checking out her Twitter page.

3) DrBrianFTW

Dr. Brian is a clinical psychologist who specializes in AD/HD (as well as Borderline Personality Disorder and grief), and is an “AD/HDer” as he says on his Instagram. He puts out videos about AD/HD on TikTok, and a former student pointed me to his work. In particular, I thought this video for teachers and parents was interesting and gave me something to think about.

4) Is ADHD an Advantage? by AsapSCIENCE, @AsapSCIENCE

I’ve shown of few of these videos in my classes, and there are TONS of them. I like that this video explains the neuroscience behind ADHD, touches on some difficulties as well as issues increased medication, and adaptive advantages of ADHD.

5) TEDx Talks

I’m going to cheat a little bit, and for the last resource provide a number of links to TEDx talks. Once I started watching them and hearing their stories, I couldn’t stop! These videos allow us to hear about personal experiences. Of course, these are all positive and uplifting stories (that’s the whole point of TED talks). So, these are likely not a true representation of experiences. Still, I think we can learn a great deal from these stories and ideas.

From time to time, we pick a theme and provide a curated list of links. If you have a theme suggestion, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Occasionally we publish a guest digest, and If you'd like to propose a guest digest click here. Our 5 most recent digests can be found here:

Digest #151: Education Podcasts

Digest #152: Teaching How To Code

Digest #153: Neurodiversity in Education

Digest #154: Memorizing vs Understanding

Digest #155: The Effect of Stereotype Threat on Cognition