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Weekly Digest #92: Returning to School and Work After the Break

The new year has started and probably most of you have returned to work and/or school by now – or will do so soon. It turns out that returning to the previous work/study routine is surprisingly difficult. Before the winter break everyone is extremely busy, then there is the bliss of a relaxing winter break – and afterwards, you are expected to return fully energized and motivated to work. However, it may be challenging to do so. In today’s digest, we present different resources that can help make the transition from break to work easier for teachers, students, and everyone else.

1)     10 Back-to-School Activities for Post-Holiday Intro Lesson by Diana Clark

In this post, different engaging activities for primary and secondary classrooms are introduced. Some activities need a bit more preparation than others, but all teachers will be able to find something to use for their classroom in this list.

Image from Pixabay

2)     Going Back to School After a Long Break? Tips for a Stress-Free Start by Rachel Tustin

This is a post for university students on how to better cope with the semester start. The number one tip is: Plan ahead! This recommendation fits perfectly with one of the best learning strategies out there: Spaced Practice! Make sure to plan your review sessions right now in order to benefit from spaced practice.

3)      How to Get Back Into Work or Study Mode After a Long Break by Melanie Pinola

Here everyone will find practical tips on how to make the transition between break and work more smoothly. However, these tips are also generally helpful for keeping a healthy work/life balance.

Image from Pixabay

4)    How to Handle Going Back to Work (Without Crying at Your Desk) by Claire Cohen

This article is a wonderful read and highlights the different facets of “social jet lag” and how to overcome this feeling of tiredness and low motivation after a longer period of excessive relaxation. One of the recommendations is to endeavor in a new role or hobby, for example.

Image from Pixabay

5)      Everyone Should Know These 10 Tips Before Returning To Work After Vacation by Rashelle Isip, @theorderexpert

This a quick read that briefly introduces ten tips for returning to work or school more successfully. There is some overlap with the other resources above, but also highlights new points, too.

Every Sunday, we pick a theme and provide a curated list of links. If you have a theme suggestion, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Occasionally we publish a guest digest, and If you'd like to propose a guest digest click here. Our 5 most recent digests can be found here:

Weekly Digest #87: Encouraging Moral and Ethical Behavior

Weekly Digest #88: Psychological Misconceptions in Movies and TV Shows

Weekly Digest #89: Cognitive Load

Weekly Digest #90: Ways To Keep Kids Engaged With Learning During Winter Break

Weekly Digest #91: Making Teaching Changes