The Learning Scientists

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Weekly Digest #19: Meet Other Edu-Bloggers

Last week in our digest, we blogged about blogging. The digest contained resources that we have found useful, and tips for blogging about education. One tip was to meet other edu-bloggers, and we linked to our Facebook group intended to create a community of edu-bloggers. We have two main goals for the group: (1) to keep up with each others’ blogs, and (2) to exchange opportunities for guest blogs. Here is a static list of the bloggers who have added their blogs so far.

(Note: these are in no particular order, so please scan until the end!)

Eoin Lenihan Education by Eoin Lenihan, @EoinLenihan

"I write on a variety of topics at 2nd and 3rd level, but am most interested in EdTech, International Education, PBL Inclusion, and Ed Reform."


PsychBrief, @psychbrief

"I write a psychology blog that covers a lot of topics, including the psychology of learning. So, I want to know how students learn best and I want to tell everyone about it!"


Governing Matters by Naureen Khalid, @5N_Afzal

"I blog on school governance issues."


Text Savvy by Josh Fisher, @sineof1

"Josh Fisher is a Mathematics instructional designer, programmer, artist."


The Atkinson Chronicles by Peter Atkinson, @peteatkinson83

"My blog is a fairly random assortment of posts on various different educational and other things!"


James's Thinking Space by James Williams, @edujdw

"I'm an occasional blogger on education, but write a lot for local press and contribute to BBC, ITV and other media on education matters"


Clio et cetera by Michael Fordham, @mfordhamhistory

"A blog about history teaching and other matters."


Using Comics in the Classroom by Tim Smyth, @historycomics

"I blog on using comic books and graphic novels to engage students."


The Principal Post by Jason Jones, @NVEAstroJones

"I blog about education, family, and community."


Class Teaching by Shaun Allison, @shaun_allison

Finding & sharing teaching 'bright spots'. This blog is managed by Shaun Allison, Deputy Head at Durrington High School, West Sussex, England, which is the lead school in the Durrington Multi Academy Trust.


Not for Points by Rob McEntarffer, @rmcenta

"I work as an Assessment/Evaluation specialist with Lincoln Public Schools in beautiful Lincoln, NE. I'm a former high school psychology and philosophy teacher."


The Learning Spy by David Didau, @LearningSpy

"In 2011, frustrated by the current state of education I began to blog. Since then I have expressed the constraints and irritations of ordinary teachers, detailed the successes and failures of my classroom and synthesised my 15 years of teaching experienced through the lens of education research and cognitive psychology."


A Total Ed Case by Eric Kalenze, @erickalenze

"The A Total Ed Case blog will feature my takes on education practice and reform."


Teaching and Learning Guru by Andrew McHugh, @guruteaching

"Hi, my name is Andy McHugh. I’ve been a teacher for many years and this is my blog about Teaching and Learning, Leadership, EdTech and more. My aims are to inspire, amuse, provoke debate and educate!"


The World is Maths by Jemma Sherwood, @jemmath

"A mix of maths resources and my often random thoughts on education."


Mr. Hill's Musings by Adam Hill, @AhillAdam

A teacher's blog for reflecting and sharing.


Lochdon Swan Word Press by Claire Bidwell, @lochdonheadswan

"I am blogging as a way of reflecting, developing, and sharing my teaching and learning.


Memory & Education Blog by Jonathan Firth, @psychohut

"I'm a psychology teacher, and I also conduct research into memory. I am doing a PhD in psych and edu."


The Ramblings of a Teacher by Anna Wombwell, @purplelollypop1

"I’m a Gaelic Primary Teacher working in Argyll and Bute, and currently a Principal Teacher. I love being in the classroom and thinking up obscure and memorable ways to teach my pupils about the world. I’m all about the play."


Teaching Sanity by Kristen DiFiore, @TeachingSanity

"I teach AP Psychology in a high school and have been doing so for the last 12 years."


From experience to meaning... by Pedro De Bruyckere, @thebandb

"I have been blogging for over 4 years in Dutch about youngsters, education, and popular culture. Lately, I have been giving more and more public speeches in English and I’ve noticed more and more non-dutch speaking people started to visit So, I’ve started this blog."


Thinking About Teaching & Learning by Steven Worthington,  @S_WRN

"I am a Teacher and a Deputy Headteacher. I am passionate about teaching and learning and trying to make a difference to the pupils I teach and the staff that I lead. I use my blog to & think out loud, to share my ideas and to collaborate with my peers. My views are my own and they are by no means perfect. However, I choose to put myself out there and contribute to a profession of passionate teachers just trying to do their best and weave their magic."


The Learning Continuum by Marta Smith, @tlcontinuum

"Modern education needs to be based on problem solving, critical thinking and making connections. I hope my ramblings help other concept based teachers connect and develop a deeper understanding together."


The Process Column by Kent Haines, @KentHaines

"I blog about teaching middle school math and talking math with my kids."


Naturalising Education by Jesse Stephens, Google+ Profile

"I started my blog as an attempt to understand the paradigm shift in education taking place in educational research - a shift I understand as moving away from intuition and towards evidence and science."


The Pedagogical Pundit by Regan A. R. Gurung, @ReganARGurung

"Education is not simple or straightforward. It is more than just going to class and delivering or receiving material. Teachers have a lot of questions about learning, but limited time to find answers. I want to help.  This blog is a forum to discuss teaching and learning."


Teaching Pundit / Undervisning Pundit by Mark Cringle

Ideas, thoughts, and opinions on teaching.


Mathematics, Learning and Technology by Colleen Young, @ColleenYoung

"My blog is on Mathematics teaching. I am particularly interested in how students learn."


Mind-craft by Rada Ferguson, @mindcraft1ed

"I love learning about learning, it’s the teacher nerd in me and I just can’t get enough! Constantly growing my teacher toolkit to enhance my classroom strategies, turn research studies into practical tools, engage my tudents minds and help them be successful using strategies tailored to their specific needs."

Every Sunday, we pick a theme and provide a curated list of links. If you have a theme suggestion, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Our 5 most recent digests can be found here:

Weekly Digest #14: How To Encourage Students To Transfer Their Knowledge

Weekly Digest #15: Working Out What Works - Highlights From ResearchED Maths & Science

Weekly Digest #16: On the Importance of Taking Breaks

Weekly Digest #17: Sleeping and Learning

Weekly Digest #18: How to Blog About Education