The Learning Scientists

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Is It Just Semantics? Yana's Guest Post on Learning Spy

Recently, Yana posted this envelope on our @AceThatTest Twitter account, and the post went viral. We were very excited when David Didau (@LearningSpy) blogged about the envelope in two fantastic posts, "The Learning Styles Myth Debunked on the Back of an Envelope" and "One more nail in the Learning Styles coffin…".

We thought for sure this would help clear up some of the confusion about Learning Styles, and their (lack of) helpful applications to the classroom. Instead, the envelope has led to an interesting discussion about semantics. So much so that David published a follow-up post, written by Yana, all about semantics. Read Yana's post here: "Just semantics? Subtle but important misunderstandings about learning styles, modalities, and preferences."